Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan is the key Council document – it informs every annual budget, sets Council’s priorities and workloads and forms the basis of all financial plans. Following community meetings in 2023 and feedback on the draft plan, Council's Strategic Plan 2024-2034 was adopted on 17 April 2024.

Formation of the Strategic Plan

Community meetings were held at the Port Lincoln Airport on the 11th December 2023 and in Coffin Bay and Cummins on 12th December 2023 to determine what should be in the new Strategic Plan, define the community aspirations and seek input on key areas for Council’s focus. Alongside these community meetings, staff were also asked for feedback as they live and work in the area, providing perspective with an awareness of Council operations and those of a resident of the region.

Council was pleased with the feedback offered from the meetings, in person to Councillors and used this information to develop the draft Strategic Plan for a further round of consultation. The draft was released in March 2024 and a survey provided to assist in gaining feedback from the community. The results of the survey were considered at the Council meeting held 17 April 2024, prior to adoption by Council of the plan and can be accessed here.