Cummins Recyclers

Cummins Recyclers

Cummins Recyclers is now owned and operated by Lower Eyre Council and is run from the Norton Transport Depots. We are open for business on the days/times below;

Coffin Bay - Norton’s Depot, Lawrie Road, Coffin Bay

Sunday, 9am - 12pm

Tuesday, 2pm - 4pm

Cummins - Norton’s Depot, 40-48 Hayman Drive, Cummins

Sunday, 2pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday, 8:30pm - 12pm

Customers are asked to sort their recycling prior to arriving on site and ensure they are able to lift bales, bins and bags themselves onto the sorting table. For large amounts of recycling, a booking may be required to enable sorting.

Please no not enter the depots outside of the above times.

Recycling will not be accepted unless:

  • All lids & rubbish is removed.
  • Liquid is removed from containers & bottles.
  • We do not accept non-deposit plastic (milk/juice bottles, tins

Accepted Recyclings:

  • All deposit cans, bottles, milk/juice cartons
  • other non-deposit glass (ie glass jars, wine & spirit bottles)