Firewood Collection Advice

The collection of timber for firewood from our roadsides and reserves is illegal. Timber collection for firewood purposes is also detrimental to the biodiversity that we need to protect and preserve.

Fallen timber and natural vegetation provide habitat, food resources, shelter & nesting opportunities for many of our native species in the area. This natural environment helps to protect our threatened and vulnerable wildlife including native birds, reptiles, bats, invertebrates & amphibians. Similarly, dead standing trees also provide habitat and shelter for many species of birds, bats and possums, especially those that have hollows. We must continue to protect this ecosystem as it provides our community with a suite of free services. These naturally occurring environmental services include improved soil health, pollination of productive crops and erosion reduction (water and soil).

In some instances, our roadsides are the only remaining refuge for many species of birds, mammals, reptiles and invertebrates. Native roadside vegetation (including fallen timber) is considered to be of significant ecological value for our community and its surrounds. In today's landscape, this natural asset is both valuable and limited due to historic clearing, on-going development and opposing land uses.

Please think carefully about where your firewood timber is being sourced from. We ask that you consider purchasing your firewood from a locally grown and sustainable resource. Purchasing your firewood timber through local, sustainable suppliers will ensure that you are helping us to preserve and protect our native forests, wildlife and environment.

For more information on collecting firewood from your own property, visit the Department for Environment and Water's website.